this morning Hailey and I were reviewing letters .......
"a" -- "ah" -- "apple"
"b" -- "buh" -- "ball"
......... I throw out "p" ..........
she looks at me with one of those famous Hailey looks and says
"p" -- "puh" -- "PATHETIC"
of a muchness for me.
HILARIOUS! That is too funny. What a girl.
ha ha, hailey are you sure? jk! love, love, love that girl!!
"y" "yuh" "YES" Chelsea really does need to come over :)
Hahaha! I love her so much. I can just hear here saying it. I bet she smiled the whole time too.
That girl has got ATTITUDE! I LOVE it! And I can't wait for Dustin and Kendra's weddings so we can all PLAY! Although by Kendra's wedding I'll be like 36 weeks along, so my play will be limited . . .
so funny!! What a cutie!
She is so funny, we have LOVED having her over at our house! Alexis now tells everyone that Hailey is her new best friend!
that is one of the funniest things i have ever heard. she is too cute!
That is flippin' hilarious!! Hailey is so funny!! That is so classic.
I am telling you that girl has, and always will have, an amazing vocabulary. I sure miss that little voice and sense of humor.
I hope to see you during my visit to Utah!
Love you guys!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love your blog cause I know i'll be laughing. I miss you guys. We're starting project night again, but it will be missing you!
That's my girl!!!
like mother like daughter. :)
She must have heard that somewhere before! :)
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