"Mom, if my closet is not done by this weekend* I am SERIOUSLY going to lose it! I can't take this mess ONE MORE DAY!!!"
what 9 year old cares about messes???? oh yes, mine.
*{we have Ty's closet a little pulled apart due to one of the walls attempting to be magnetic... that's a whole different post or I will just tell you now: don't try to make your walls magnetic...}
Thanks for being so funny Loney-Bologna!!!
Tyler Creer-You are so your mother's son... and yes, I do love it.
Amster... just remind him he has some serious kick*** furniture :)
funny thing I can totally hear him saying it...! Love that Loney boy...please post more or I guess we'll have to come down to Spanny...
love it! you better make sure all of your habits are good, because someone is definitely watching and following!
Well, Tyler is YOUR child. Just like his mommy, right?
Ok so maybe Ty shouldn't marry one of my daughters because she could never live up to that....
so funny!
apparently "seriously" is a regular word at your house, huh?? :) funny ... i love kids -and even better if they don't like messes
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